Monday, April 20, 2009

First Post

I am not really sure if anyone really wants to read my blog. I don't say this because I don't have friends or because I couldn't convince people to check it out if I was really all about that sort of thing. I guess I say that because I never wanted to write a blog in the first place. For the longest time I felt like it was really self-important to believe that people want to read about someone they don't know and have no practical relationship with.

But here I am writing a blog. You know why? Because my wife Aileen who I love and respect told me it was the best place to put my thoughts out there in the world. I have been reading my bible alot and praying alot especially out here in Iraq and I feel like God has shown me alot of things. Given me some practical insights into his book and my life. So my goal is to post what comes to my head. Alot of times I feel like I cant get these thoughts out of my head. But I dont have a pulpit to preach from. But somehow it feels honoring of God to share these thoughts with the wide world of the Interweb.

And to all you Haters out there, please if you want to pick a fight pick it with me and not the people who post responses.

1 comment:

Aileen said...

Wow, Hubby! A real blog! I like it. Thank you for working so hard to post your thoughts. I am looking forward to hearing what thoughts others have about what you have been thinking about and doing. It's really cool to be able to share this stuff.